Dried Flower Company meets the increasing demand for dried flowers from florists and wholesalers. If you like more information or want to order your dried flowers, dried flower arrangements or bouquets, please contact us.


Dried flowers are currently very popular—and for good reason! They last longer, need very little care, and they look beautiful in any interior. We’re seeing dried flower bouquets featured more and more in stylish bedrooms, kitchens and living rooms. So, it’s no wonder that there is an increasing demand for these flowers from florists and wholesalers. Dried Flower Company has two brands to help meet this demand.

Dried Flower Company sources and supplies the best and most beautiful, dried flowers from all over the world. By doing so, we enable wholesalers and local florists to sell dried flowers from countries such as China and Japan. A unique possibility since, thus far, most wholesalers and florists have been unable to get their hands on these dried flowers because of the logistics involved.

And with our brand Zero Waste Flowers, we contribute to a more sustainable flower industry. Before, any roses that weren’t sold by the end of the week had to be disposed of. Now, to create as little waste as possible, we offer dried garden roses. And this has proven to be a huge success!


Would you like more information, or do you want to order your dried flowers, arrangements or bouquets?
You have multiple options. Ask your local wholesaler to order them for you. Go to the Dried Flowers webshop and Zero Waste Flowers webshop if you have a webshop connection with us. Or contact us by phone or e-mail!



Every year, millions of fresh flowers are destroyed without ever being sold.
What a waste!

At Zero Waste Flowers, it’s our mission to reduce this waste by giving unsold flowers a second life. Instead of destroying flowers, Zero Waste Flowers recycles them by turning fresh flowers into dried flowers.

In addition, Zero Waste Flowers continuously does everything in its power to keep the entire process as environmentally friendly as possible. The flowers are dried locally, wrapped in paper and placed in reusable auction buckets. The only thing added at the end is the Zero Waste stamp. By purchasing Zero Waste Flowers products, you help reduce the amount of waste in the flower industry.


Dried Flowers, by Parfum Flower Company seeks out the most beautiful dried flowers worldwide. We carefully assess the quality of the flowers and look for unique varieties.

The logistical network of our parent company, Parfum Flower Company, enables wholesalers and local florists to get their hands on the world’s most unique varieties that, until now, were out of their reach due to the logistics involved. Think of dried flowers from The Netherlands, France, Italy, but also China and Japan. Parfum Flower Company can buy stunning dried flowers in bulk (which is how they are offered by sellers) and offer them to wholesalers and local florists in smaller quantities.

About Dried Flower Company

Dried Flower Company is an initiative of Coloríginz. Coloríginz unites specialized brands in roses, summer flowers, exotics and foliage. Together we offer a unique collection, rich in both quality and variety. Sourced from the world’s best growers who are committed to sustainability and do not harm people or the planet.